9 Major Hisun UTV Problems(Let’s Solve Them)

Got a Hisun UTV and facing some troubles? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, because most owners also face issues with it. So don’t worry; here we will discuss the 9 most common Hisun UTV problems and their easy solutions. Stay with us to explore these problems!

9 Major Hisun UTV Problems and Solutions

Hisun UTV

Now we are going to discuss the most common problems of Hisun UTV along with their effective solutions.

1. Starting Issues

starting problems

Starting issues with a Hisun UTV can be frustrating, but don’t worry! Let’s troubleshoot the problem and find solutions:

  • Empty Fuel Tank: This is the most common issue that fuel is low in the tank. Due to this, your UTV refuses to start. So ensure that your fuel tank isn’t empty. If it is, fill it up with fresh fuel.
  • Clogged Fuel Filters: Dirty or clogged fuel filters can hinder fuel flow. Clean them and if needed replace them.
  • Worn-out or Torn Wires: Check the wiring harness for any damage. Because Worn-out or torn wires can disrupt the ignition process.
  • Loose Connections: Check all electrical connections, including battery terminals, ignition switch, and starter solenoid. Tighten the connections if any are loose.
  • Damaged Engine: A damaged engine can cause starting issues. Look for signs of wear or malfunction.

2. Hisun UTV Oil Leaks Problems

Hisun UTV Oil Leaks Problems

Dealing with oil leaks in your Hisun UTV? Here’s a quick fix guide:

  • Water Pump Weep Hole: If oil is leaking near the oil filter, the water pump seal might be failing. You might need to replace the water pump.
  • Gaskets and Seals: Check for wear or damage on engine gaskets and seals, particularly around the valve cover, oil pan, and crankshaft seals.
  • Oil Filter: Ensure the oil filter is tight. A loose or damaged filter can leak oil.
  • Drain Plug: Make sure the drain plug is securely fastened to prevent leaks.
  • Oil Pan: Inspect the oil pan for any cracks or damage that could cause leaks.
  • Valve Cover: If the valve cover gasket is worn or not sealed properly, replacing it can stop leaks.
  • Oil Pressure Sensor: A faulty sensor can lead to leaks. Check and replace if necessary.
  • Hoses and Lines: Look for damage or wear in hoses and lines connected to the oil system.
  • Regular Maintenance: Follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule to help prevent leaks.
  • Professional Inspection: If you can’t find the leak source, a mechanic can help identify and fix the issue.

Also, read Major Landmaster UTV Problems

3. Clutch Slippage

Clutch Problems

Struggling with clutch slippage in your Hisun UTV? Here’s a streamlined approach to tackle it:

  • Clutch Disc Alignment: Make sure the clutch disc is aligned right. Adjust the clutch cable to fix any gap between the clutch disc and the flywheel. Proper alignment helps avoid slippage.
  • Clean the Clutch: Dirt on the clutch can cause slippage. Blast it clean with compressed air to remove any gunk.
  • Inspect the Clutch Belt: A worn or damaged belt won’t hold well and slips. Replace it if necessary.
  • Check Other Clutch Parts: Look over the pressure plate, release bearing, and springs for wear or damage. Swap out any faulty components.
  • Proper Lubrication: Use the recommended oil type for the clutch. The wrong oil can cause slippage.
  • Avoid Overloading: Keep the load light. Too much weight puts extra pressure on the clutch.
  • Gear Usage: Don’t stick to high gear at low speeds; it strains the clutch. Shift gears as needed.
  • Professional Help: If problems persist, a mechanic can pinpoint and fix the issue accurately.

4. Hisun UTV Poor Acceleration Problems

Struggling with slow acceleration in your Hisun UTV? Let’s break down the common problems and how to fix them, in simple terms:

A. Fuel System:

  • Dirty Fuel Filter: If your fuel filter is blocked, it stops fuel from flowing well. You might need to replace it.
  • Fuel Quality: Use clean, high-quality fuel. Bad fuel can make your UTV slow.

B. Air Intake and Carburetor:

  • Air Filter: A dirty air filter means not enough air gets to your engine, slowing you down. Clean it or get a new one.
  • Carburetor Adjustment: If your carburetor isn’t set right, your UTV can drag. Check the user manual to adjust it properly.

C. Spark Plug:

  • Worn Spark Plugs: Old spark plugs can make your ignition weak and slow you down. Replace them if they’re bad.

D. Drive Belt and Clutch:

  • Drive Belt Wear: An old drive belt can slip, making you lose power. Check it and replace it if it’s worn out.
  • Clutch Adjustment: Make sure your clutch is adjusted right for the best power. Look in your manual for how to do this.

E. Engine Timing and Compression:

  • Ignition Timing: If your ignition timing is off, it can make your UTV slow. Make sure it’s set right.
  • Compression Test: Low engine compression can also slow you down. Doing a compression test can tell you if your engine is okay.

F. Weight and Load:

  • Overloading: Carrying too much can make your UTV sluggish. Stick to the recommended weight limit.

G. Tire Pressure and Terrain:

  • Tire Pressure: Check your tires are pumped right. Soft tires can slow you down.
  • Terrain: Driving uphill or on rough ground can make your UTV slower. Adjust how you drive to help.

H. Professional Help:

If you’ve tried all these and your UTV still won’t speed up, it might be time to see a mechanic. They can find out what’s wrong and fix it for you.

5. Excessive Vibration

Dealing with too much shaking in your Hisun UTV during off-road trips? Let’s quickly go over what might cause it and how to fix it:

A. Engine Imbalance:

  • Cause: The engine might not be sitting evenly, or parts could be out of place.
  • Fix: Make sure the engine mounts, bolts, and brackets are tight and aligned right. Replace any parts that are worn out.

B. Unbalanced Wheels and Tires:

  • Cause: Tires wearing out unevenly, bent rims, or wheels not balanced can shake things up.
  • Fix: Check your tires for wear, get them balanced, and ensure they’re aligned. Change out any damaged rims or tires.

C. Drivetrain Problems:

  • Cause: If CV joints, driveshafts, or parts of the differential are wearing out, you’ll feel it.
  • Fix: Look over the drivetrain for any damaged or loose parts and replace them if needed.

D. Suspension Issues:

  • Cause: Bad shocks, bushings, or control arms can add to the shake.
  • Fix: Inspect and replace any suspension parts that are worn out, and align the suspension properly.

E. Loose Bolts and Fasteners:

  • Cause: If bolts or nuts are loose anywhere, it can lead to vibrations.
  • Fix: Tighten up all bolts and nuts, especially around the chassis, engine, and drivetrain.

F. Engine Tuning and Maintenance:

  • Cause: An engine that’s not tuned well or hasn’t been looked after can vibrate more.
  • Fix: Keep up with regular UTV service, like cleaning or changing air filters, adjusting the carburetor, and making sure it’s getting fuel right.

G. Wheel Bearings and Hubs:

  • Cause: Bad wheel bearings or hubs can make your ride shaky.
  • Fix: Check and replace any wheel bearings or hubs that aren’t in good shape.

H. Harmonic Balancer:

  • Cause: A faulty harmonic balancer can make vibrations worse.
  • Fix: Inspect the balancer for damage and replace it if you need to.

I. Professional Help:

Still shaking? It might be time to call in a pro. A mechanic can find out exactly what’s wrong and get it fixed for you.

Also, read Massimo UTV Problems

6. Hisun UTV Shift Problems

Have trouble shifting gears in your Hisun UTV during those fun off-road trips? It can be a bit of a downer. Let’s get into what might be causing this and how you can fix it:

A. Trouble Shifting Gears:

  • What You Might Notice: Shifting from low to high gear (or the other way around) feels tough. You might even hear a grinding sound when you change gears.
  • Why It Happens: The parts that help you shift gears, called the shift linkage system, might not be lined up right because some parts are loose.

How to Fix It:

  • Tighten Things Up: Check the shift linkage, especially the turnbuckle linkage, for any nuts that have got loose. These nuts are important for keeping everything aligned when you shift gears. If any are loose, tighten them up, so everything is secure.
  • Make It Smooth: Adding some lubricant to the shift mechanism can help it work better. Put some on the parts that move, like pivot points and joints.
  • Look for Damage: Take a look at the shift cables, bushings, and other parts related to shifting. If anything looks old or damaged, it’s time for a replacement.
  • Get Some Help: If you’ve tried fixing it and still have issues, it might be time to call in a pro. A mechanic can have a closer look, figure out exactly what’s wrong, and get you sorted.

7. Hisun UTV Fire problems

Fire issues in Hisun UTVs can definitely raise your eyebrows and pose some risks. Let’s look at what might cause these problems and how to keep things safe:

A. Engine Getting Too Hot:

    • Why It Happens: Older models, like those from 2011 and 2012, can get really hot. Things like pushing the engine too hard, not enough coolant, fans not working, or a dirty radiator can make it worse.
  • What to Do:
    • Add another fan to help cool things down.
    • Make sure there’s enough coolant and try not to park in the hot sun for too long.
    • Keep the radiator and grille clean to let air flow better.
    • Think about putting in a switch to turn the fan on or off when you need to.

B. Spark Plug and Fuel Problems:

    • Why It Happens: If your UTV isn’t running right, it might be because of spark plug issues or not getting enough fuel.
  • What to Do:
    • Clean or change the spark plugs.
    • Check the fuel filter and get a new one if it’s dirty.
    • Keep the air filter clean to make sure the engine gets plenty of air.

C. Trouble Starting:

  • Why It Happens: Problems like bad valves, a weak battery, old spark plugs, stale fuel, or not enough compression can make it hard to start your UTV.
  • What to Do: Take a closer look at what’s causing the trouble and fix it. This might mean checking the battery, spark plugs, fuel, or valves.

D. Keeping Up With Maintenance:

    • General Tip: Regular checks and maintenance can help avoid fire risks.
  • What to Do:
    • Regularly check and service your UTV.
    • Look over the wiring, hoses, and electrical bits for any signs of wear or damage.
    • Keep the engine area clean and clear of anything that shouldn’t be there.

Also read Are UTV’s street-legal

8. Brake failure

Brake Problems

Having brakes that don’t work well in your Hisun UTV is not something to take lightly. Here’s a quick look at why brake problems happen and what you can do to fix them:

A. Not Enough Brake Fluid:

  • What’s the issue? If there’s not enough brake fluid, your brakes might not work right.
  • How to fix it: Check the brake fluid reservoir to see if it’s full. If it’s low, fill it up with the kind of brake fluid mentioned in your UTV’s manual.

B. Air in the Brake Lines:

  • What’s the issue? Air bubbles in the brake lines can make your brakes less effective.
  • How to fix it: You’ll need to get the air out of the brakes. Your UTV’s manual will tell you how to bleed the brakes properly.

C. Brake Pads or Shoes Wearing Out:

  • What’s the issue? Brake pads or shoes can wear down over time, making it harder for you to stop.
  • How to fix it: Take a look at the brake pads or shoes. If they’re too thin, it’s time to replace them.

D. Loose or Broken Brake Parts:

  • What’s the issue? If parts of the brake like calipers, rotors, or drums are loose or damaged, your brakes might not work well.
  • How to fix it: Check all the parts of the brake. Tighten anything loose and replace anything that’s broken.

E. When to Get Help:

  • Important to know: If your brakes aren’t working right or if you’re not sure what’s wrong, it’s best to ask a professional for help. Don’t drive your UTV until you know the brakes are working properly again.

9. Rough Idling

Dealing with a Hisun UTV that doesn’t idle smoothly can be a bit annoying, but let’s tackle some usual suspects and how to smooth things out:

A. Fuel Injection Snags:

  • What’s Up? Grit in the fuel injectors, wear and tear, or using low-quality fuel can mess with the idling.
  • Fix-It Tip: Keep up with regular UTV care, fill up with good fuel, and consider using recommended fuel additives to keep those injectors clean.

B. Throttle Body Grime:

  • What’s Up? Dirt and grime can build up in the throttle body over time, making the idling rough.
  • Fix-It Tip: Cleaning the throttle body can make a big difference. Sometimes, using a fuel system cleaner helps too.

C. Spark Plug Troubles:

  • What’s Up? Spark plugs that are old or dirty can lead to uneven idling.
  • Fix-It Tip: Have a look at your spark plugs. If they’re not in good shape, swapping them out is a good idea.

D. Carburetor Complications:

  • What’s Up? If your UTV has a carburetor, issues here can cause idling problems.
  • Fix-It Tip: Cleaning, rebuilding, or tuning the carburetor can help. Make sure it’s adjusted right.

E. Airflow Issues:

  • What’s Up? If your engine isn’t getting enough air, it won’t perform well.
  • Fix-It Tip: Check and clean or replace air filters, look over the intake systems, and make sure hoses are clear.

F. Mechanical Matters:

  • What’s Up? Sometimes, mechanical parts wearing out can impact how smoothly your UTV idles.
  • Fix-It Tip: Give your UTV a thorough check-up. Tighten up any loose bolts and make sure the tires are properly inflated.

Hisun UTV Top Speed

Hisun UTV Top Speed

Let’s explore the top speeds of various Hisun UTV models:

Hisun Sector 250:

  • Engine: 229 cc single-cylinder gas engine
  • Horsepower: Approximately 13 HP
  • Top Speed: Around 40 mph1.

Hisun Strike 250:

  • Engine: 229 cc single-cylinder gas engine
  • Horsepower: Approximately 13 HP
  • Top Speed: Also around 40 mph1.

Hisun Sector 400 (HS400):

  • Engine: 393 cc single-cylinder gas engine
  • Horsepower: Around 22 HP
  • Top Speed: Approximately 42 mph1.

Hisun Sector 450:

  • Engine: 454 cc single-cylinder gas engine
  • Horsepower: About 25 HP
  • Top Speed: Reaches around 45 mph1.

Hisun Sector 550:

  • Engine: 546 cc single-cylinder gas engine
  • Horsepower: Approximately 30 HP
  • Top Speed: Capable of hitting around 48 mph1.

Hisun Sector 750:

  • Engine: Varies by model
  • Top Speed: Approximately 45 mph2.

Hisun Axis 500:

  • Engine: 471 cc 4-stroke single-cylinder
  • Top Speed: Up to 40 mph in low gear and around 41 mph in high gear3.

Hisun Sector 750 (Another Source):

  • Engine: Liquid-cooled, 4-stroke
  • Top Speed: Can reach speeds of up to 55 mph, making it one of the fastest utility vehicles on the market


And there you have it, a simple guide to tackling the most common Hisun UTV problems and solutions. With these tips in your back pocket, you’re well-equipped to handle whatever challenges your Hisun UTV might face on the trail. Remember, regular maintenance and a keen eye for early signs of trouble can keep most of these issues at bay. So, gear up, stay prepared, and enjoy the ride, knowing you’ve got the knowledge to keep your adventure moving smoothly


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