7 Major Hisun 500 UTV Problems and Solutions

If you own a Hisun 500 UTV, you’re already familiar with the thrill of off-roading adventures. However, like any vehicle, it can have its share of issues. So here we will discuss the 8 most common Hisun 500 UTV problems that its owners face. We also provide easy solutions to these issues.

7 Major Hisun 500 UTV Problems and Solutions

yellow color Hisun 500 UTV

Now we are going to discuss the Hisun UTV problems along with their easy solutions.

1. Hard Starting or No Start

Problem: Difficulty starting the engine or complete failure to start can be caused by several factors, including battery issues, spark plug failure, or fuel system problems.

Detailed Solution:

  • Battery: Check the battery’s voltage with a multimeter; it should read around 12.6 volts when fully charged. Ensure the terminals are clean and tightly connected. If the battery is old or consistently undercharged, it may need replacing.
  • Spark Plugs: Remove and inspect the spark plugs for wear or fouling. A clean, light tan color indicates healthy combustion. Replace spark plugs if they’re worn out or dirty beyond cleaning.
  • Fuel System: Ensure the fuel pump is operational (you should hear it prime when turning the ignition on). Check for clogged fuel filters and clean or replace them as necessary. Stale fuel can also cause starting issues, so make sure to use fresh gasoline and add fuel stabilizer if storing the UTV for extended periods.

2. Hisun 500 UTV Engine Overheating Problems

Is your Hisun 500 UTV getting too hot, especially when you’re out having fun off-roading? This is a common problem, but don’t worry, we’ve got some easy solutions for you.

Why Does It Happen?

  • Too Much Weight: If you’re carrying a lot or towing something heavy, it can make the engine work too hard.
  • Not Enough Coolant: The engine needs coolant to stay cool. If there’s not enough, maybe because of a leak, or it’s just low, things can heat up fast.
  • Fan Not Working: The fan helps cool the engine down. If it’s not turning on, it could be because of a fuse that’s blown or some electrical trouble.
  • Temperature Sensor: Sometimes, the sensor that tells the fan to start is set to turn on too late (like around 220 degrees), so the engine gets too hot before the fan even starts.
  • Blocked Air: If the radiator or grille is dirty, air can’t flow through to cool the engine properly.

Detailed Solution:

  • Coolant Levels: Check and fill the radiator and overflow tank to the recommended levels with the correct type of coolant. Avoid using only water as it can cause corrosion and reduce cooling efficiency.
  • Radiator and Cooling System: Inspect the radiator for mud, debris, or anything blocking airflow and clean it carefully. Ensure the cooling fan kicks in when the engine reaches operating temperature. If not, check the fan’s fuse, wiring, and operation.
  • Thermostat: A stuck thermostat can also cause overheating. If you suspect this is the case, it may need to be replaced.
  • Put in an extra fan to help cool the engine more.
  • Some people add a switch to turn the fan on and off themselves, ignoring the sensor.

3. Unusual Noises

Problem: Squeaks, rattles, and other noises often point to loose or worn parts.

Detailed Solution:

  • Suspension and Bearings: Check suspension components for looseness or damage. Wheel bearings, bushings, and joints should be inspected for wear and lubricated or replaced as needed.
  • Drive Belt: A squealing noise, especially under acceleration, may indicate a worn or loose drive belt. Inspect the belt for cracks or fraying and adjust or replace it if necessary.
  • Exhaust System: Rattling noises could come from a loose exhaust system. Check for loose mounts or damaged components and secure or replace them.

4. Electrical Glitches

Issues with starting, lighting, or instrument panels are usually electrical, involving the battery, wiring, or fuses.

Detailed Solution:

  • Connections and Wires: Inspect all electrical connections for corrosion and ensure they’re secure. Examine wiring for any signs of wear, chafing, or breakage and repair or replace as necessary.
  • Fuses: Check the fuse box for blown fuses, which are a common cause of electrical failures. Replace any blown fuses and investigate what caused them to blow to prevent future issues.

Also read Massimo UTV Problems

5. Fuel Delivery Problems

Poor engine performance or stalling can be related to fuel delivery issues.

Detailed Solution:

  • Fuel Injectors: Dirty or clogged injectors can hinder performance. Use a quality fuel injector cleaner or have the injectors professionally cleaned or replaced.
  • Fuel Lines: Inspect fuel lines for leaks, kinks, or blockages. Replace any damaged lines and ensure they’re properly routed and secured.
  • Air Filter: A clogged air filter can restrict airflow, affecting fuel combustion. Check the air filter and clean or replace it if dirty.

6. Brake Problems

Spongy brakes or decreased braking power can be due to air in the lines, worn pads, or low brake fluid.

Detailed Solution:

  • Brake Fluid: Check the brake fluid level and top up if necessary. If the fluid is dirty or contaminated, a complete flush and refill might be needed.
  • Brake Pads and Rotors:  Check the brake pads and rotors for wear. Replace the pads if they’re below the minimum thickness, and have rotors machined or replaced if they’re scored or warped.
  • Bleeding Brakes: To remove air from the brake lines, the system may need bleeding. This process involves opening the brake bleed valves and adding brake fluid until no air bubbles appear in the fluid.

7. Spark Plug Problems 

Your Hisun 500 UTV might have trouble starting or might not start at all. This could be because of a spark plug problem. Here’s how to understand and fix it easily:

What’s the Problem?

Sometimes, the engine doesn’t start because the spark plug, which helps start the engine, isn’t working right.

What You Might Notice:

  • The engine tries to start (makes a noise) but doesn’t get going.

How to Fix It:

  • Check the Spark Plug:
      • First, take out the spark plug from the engine.
      • Then, connect it back to the wire that goes to the spark plug.
  • Look at the Spark Plug:
      • If the spark plug looks broken or old, you might need to clean it or get a new one.
  • Fuel Check:
    • Also, make sure gas is getting to the engine properly. If it’s not, the fuel filter (which cleans the gas going to the engine) might be dirty and need a change.

By following these steps, you can help your UTV start better and keep it running smoothly.

What Majority of the Users Feel About Hisun 500 UTV?

Hisun 500 UTV

Bharat Suthar mentioned that after using the UTV for 4 months, it performed as advertised. They appreciated its ability to haul up to 350 pounds, making it a reliable choice for transporting materials and supplies on a farm. Another user highlighted the UTV’s efficiency in reaching destinations quickly and comfortably. Despite not having power steering, they found the Axis 500 easy to handle and control, even during off-road adventures.


As you see here we will discuss the 7 major Hisun 500 UTV problems along with their easy solutions. So whenever you encounter any of these problems, you can solve them easily by following the steps that we discussed earlier.


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